Issue 1/2000
V článku jsou uvedeny vlastnosti průsvitných (transparentních, translucentních) tepelných izolací a jejich vhodné použití na stavbách vysokoškolských kolejí v Glasgowě a podle českého projektu na čerpací stanici pitné vody ve švýcarské obci Bettlach (kanton Solothurn). U této stavby je modelováním poměrů 3 dnů zimního a 3 dnů letního počasí prokázáno, že průsvitné tepelné izolace udrží jak v zimním, tak v letním období vyšší vnitřní teplotu než izolace neprůsvitná (opaktní) stejné tloušťky. ![]() Abstract...Properties of transparent - translucent heat insulation types are indicated in the article and their appropriate use at construction of University colleges in Glasgow and further at pumping station for drinking water in the Swiss village Bettlach (Solothurn canton) according to a Czech design. By modeling the averages of 3 days of winter and 3 days of summer weather conditions it was demonstrated at this construction that transparent - translucent heat insulation types are able to maintain a higher indoor temperature than opaque heat insulation of the same thickness both in the course of winter and summer periods. | Chybík J. | 2 - 4 |
Sick building syndrome and other nonspecific syndromes in relation to indoor environment ![]() Abstract...Possible and demonstrable causes of health troubles connected with impact of building and rounded up into the concept of the sick building syndrome - SBS are specified. | Lajčíková A. | 5 - 7 |
Building Act and procedural regulations versus heating and air handling technique ![]() Abstract...The author evaluates in the article in the critical way the amendment act of the Bui/ding Act and recommends to divide the Act into two independent parts ; the town planníng and the Bui/ding Code proper. In the second part the author ca/ls the attention of designers, especia/ly air handling technique engineers and heating engineers to obligations put on them by binding procedural regulations Nos. 132/1998 Co/l. And 137/1998 Co/l. The author indicates practical examples of legislative requirements concerning technical equipment of bui/dings, especia/ly not only air handling technique and central heating but also Iinking up other professions. | Toman S. | 8 - 13 |
A practice view of dark gas infra-red radiators ![]() Abstract...The author summed up the available technical, hygienic, fire-fighting regulations and legislation from the sphere of environment concerning the solution of installation and uti/ization problems of dark gas radiators. He put these regulations to critical analysis. He calls the attention to problems arising in practice in connection with insufficient legislation. | Brát V. | 14 - 20 |
To article of Ing. Vladimír Brát "A practice view of dark gas in ra-red radiators" ![]() Abstract...- | Brož K. | 20 - 20 |
Standpoint on article of Ing. Brát "A practice view of dark gas infra-red radiators" ![]() Abstract...- | Kotrbatý M. | 21 - 22 |
Effect of some gas appliances on the quality of Indoor environment ![]() Abstract...The author clls attention to the gas appliances for heating as gas-fired boiler with sewer of flue gas on the fasade, gas-fired radiant tubes and direct gas-fired heating units. Their installation and operation are covered by hygienic legislature only partially. The hygienic assessment should unite a new document mentioned in full text. | Mathauserová Z. | 24 - 28 |
Pressure loss in piping networks - in a slightly different way ![]() Abstract...The article deals with the calculation of pressure losses in warm water piping networks by using the C - value, or characteristics and compares this procedure with the standard commonly used calculation. | Bašta J. | 29 - 33 |
The present and future of steam as heat-carrier Part one. Principles of steam and condensate systems designing ![]() Abstract...The paper deals with basic principles of right designing steam-condensate systems. In the paper also frequent errors are indicated usually occurring in practice. These result in considerable operation problems leading up to crash states. Emphasis is laid on uninterchangeable role of designer in the whole process from starting design work up to commissioning designed equipment to user including training operation personnel. | Täubel J. | 34 - 37 |
Legislative measures for users of houses protection against radon ![]() Abstract...New legislative documents (the law No. 18 and the ordinance No. 184, both from the year 1997) concerning a protection against ionizing radiation are analyzed. Author gives information about assessment of the lot, construction and utilizing of the building and about the risk of different building materials. | Ptáková D. | 38 - 40 |
Pumps functioning as hydraulic motors ![]() Abstract...- | Bláha J. | 41 - 43 |
Polymat heat pumps ![]() Abstract...- | Skarupský J. | 48 - 48 |