Issue 4/2000

Design documentation for ventilation installations PDF 47.1 MB


Evaluation of contemporary codes and derivation the necessary content and extent of design documentation. On the supplement are examples of regarded documentation for building assessment and for realization.
Toman S.138 - 142
Climatic design condition for Czech Republic after ASHRAE PDF 47.1 MB


Updated information about one result from ASHRAE 1997 research project. Presented are tables of climatic design conditions ASHRAE Guide 1997 for Czech Republic. Presented values are commented and discussed its applicabi/ity. ln the sets are not included solar insulation data.
Ptáková D.143 - 145
Evaluation the structure of panel wall type residential buildings from the fire salety point of view PDF 47.1 MB


There are no differences between several build structure systems of panel wall type residential buildings from the fire point of view. Problems with fire safety this houses has not source in good or worse structure type, but in time of those designing and measure of respect to fire protection standards valid at construction time.
Jindřichová E.146 - 148
Heating problems in houses with PDF 47.1 MB


Discussed are problems ol heat balance and cooling loads in new office buildings. Case study calculation example results is possible to applicate on similar type ol buildings. Economical calculations results ol variable types ol heat sources are added.
Schwarz K.149 - 152
Problems of air tightness of windows PDF 47.1 MB


Heat losses, connected to natural ventilation of buildings, are low by new types of windows and doors with higher tightness of cracks. Infiltration is under ventilation rates needed for extraction of water vapor, formaldehyde, radon and other contaminants. Article present effective leakage coefficients for comrade windows and doors, established by measurements in laboratory and in situ. Example of estimation the windows leakage coefficient value for hygienic rate of ventilation air is added.
Mrlík F.154 - 158
Refrigerants for Air-Conditioning PDF 47.1 MB


Actual trends in refrigerants for air-conditioning cooling. Refrigerant is judged as a working matter and in context with the cooling cycle. Advised is extended use of waste heat and mentioned is selection of proper refrigerant and cooling cycle from this point of view. Introduced is state of work on new Czech act for protection of ozone layer against depletion.
Petrák J., Petrák M.159 - 161
Drinking regime as a basement of health PDF 47.1 MB


Information about drinking regime, which is a necessary precondition of hea/thy Iive. Notes of healthy disturbances by enormous Iiquid losses by the sweating. Drinking regime is important for the work in hot environment. Advice for proper drinks.
Lajčíková A.162 - 163
Fire safety in renovated apartment residential houses PDF 47.1 MB


Basic information about safety duties on fire safety in renovated multistory residential houses with panel wa/ls in a view of new basica/ly changed standard.
Karlovská I.167 - 170
The present and luture of stream as heat-carrier. Part lour. Principles of steam and condensate systems designing PDF 47.1 MBTäubel J.171 - 175
Summer indoor thermal comlort Simulation by using wallboard with phase change material PDF 47.1 MB


ln the summer indoor climate usually reaches higher temperatures and there is not thermal comfort for people activity. The heat gains from any electrical devices can make situation worse and the problem is usually solved by cooling system. But it can be solved by applying special treated wallboards. The special treated wallboards can absorb ten times more heat than conventional wallboards and it can retard growing temperature in the room. If there is a cooling system necessary, there could be design cooling system with lower power and save a third of electric energy. This paper show results of simulations of summer indoor climate by computer system Ansys in the room with applying of conventional and treated wallboards.
Kalousek M.173 - 180
German-English-Czech Dictionary lor Heating and kindred branches PDF 47.1 MB


Bašta J. , Červenka O.příloha